Source code for yam.stack

# Copyright 2017-2023 Tom Eulenfeld, MIT license
"""Stack correlations"""
import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy import UTCDateTime as UTC

from yam.util import _corr_id, _time2sec, IterTime

[docs]def stack(stream, length=None, move=None): """ Stack traces in stream by correlation id :param stream: |Stream| object with correlations :param length: time span of one trace in the stack in seconds (alternatively a string consisting of a number and a unit -- ``'d'`` for days and ``'h'`` for hours -- can be specified, i.e. ``'3d'`` stacks together all traces inside a three days time window, default: None, which stacks together all traces) :param move: define a moving stack, float or string, default: None -- no moving stack, if specified move usually is smaller than length to get an overlap in the stacked traces :return: |Stream| object with stacked correlations """ stream.sort() stream_stack = obspy.Stream() ids = {_corr_id(tr) for tr in stream} ids.discard(None) for id_ in ids: traces = [tr for tr in stream if _corr_id(tr) == id_] if length is None: data = np.mean([ for tr in traces], dtype='float16', axis=0) tr_stack = obspy.Trace(data, header=traces[0].stats) tr_stack.stats.key = tr_stack.stats.key + '_s' if 'num' in traces[0].stats: tr_stack.stats.num = sum(tr.stats.num for tr in traces) else: tr_stack.stats.num = len(traces) stream_stack.append(tr_stack) else: t1 = traces[0].stats.starttime lensec = _time2sec(length) movesec = _time2sec(move) if move else lensec if (lensec % (24 * 3600) == 0 or isinstance(length, str) and 'd' in length): t1 = UTC(t1.year, t1.month, elif (lensec % 3600 == 0 or isinstance(length, str) and 'm' in length): t1 = UTC(t1.year, t1.month,, t1.hour) t2 = max(t1, traces[-1].stats.endtime - lensec) for t in IterTime(t1, t2, dt=movesec): sel = [tr for tr in traces if -0.1 <= tr.stats.starttime - t <= lensec + 0.1] if len(sel) == 0: continue data = np.mean([ for tr in sel], dtype='float16', axis=0) tr_stack = obspy.Trace(data, header=sel[0].stats) key_add = '_s%s' % length + (move is not None) * ('m%s' % move) tr_stack.stats.key = tr_stack.stats.key + key_add tr_stack.stats.starttime = t if 'num' in traces[0].stats: tr_stack.stats.num = sum(tr.stats.num for tr in sel) else: tr_stack.stats.num = len(sel) stream_stack.append(tr_stack) return stream_stack